Baked Pork in Curried Fruit Barbecue Sauce
12 ounces rehydrated tomatoes
10 ounces rehydrated apples
4 ounces rehydrated figs
1/4 cup liquid from rehydrated fruit above
one medium onion, minced
1 teaspoon mild Curry powder
1/2 teaspoons instant coffee
1/2 teaspoon ground fennel
2 teaspoons yellow mustard
1 tablespoon raw sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 teaspoon each: ground marjoram, ground oregano, and ground thyme
(or, 1 tsp each: marjoram leaves, oregano leaves, thyme leaves, finely chopped)
1 pound pork, fat removed and cut in bite-sized pieces
optional, but oh, so, good: thinly sliced apple rings, at least three per plate
Preheat solar oven to 225°F 2-quart baking dish with cover/tin foil
Here you can see the tomatoes on the left, apples in the center, and figs on the right. Apples can take up to 45 minutes to rehydrate, tomatoes around 30, and the fig roll less than ten, so you would want to plan accordingly