Phew! September just flew by And, it has been a very busy month for me. In addition to my solar cooking, it's the time of year when the garden is put to rest and I get to play a little.
The Play's the Thing
Speaking of playing, I was recently cast in a play called, Is He Dead, a new comedy by Mark Twain, as adapted by David Ives. A young painter of genius, Jean-François Millet, is in love with Marie Leroux but because of his debts, is being threatened with debtor's prison unless Marie marries him. (What an interesting judicial prospect!) We open October 22 at Deep Dish Theater in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

With Christmas just around the corner, it was time to give my pysanki egg orders attention, crafting and exhibiting at local craft fairs. On Saturday, instead of having to be under a 10x10 tent, I was a featured artist at Clayton's ArtalaCarte, the annual Historic Homes and Art Tour, sponsored by Clayton Visual Arts. My post was at the historic Rudolf Barnes House, ca. 1921. It's a two-story, hip-roof home in the Colonial Revival style. Built by a local carpenter, John Young, the design plans were drawn up by both the original owner, Mrs. Rudolf Barnes, and Mr. Young. The rules and regs of historic homes in .pdf form.
Poor me, I had to set up in a glass-enclosed sunroom that was so awesome, I threatened the owners with returning every day to ensconce myself during my holiday egg work. The current owners, Robert and Kathy Thurston-Lighty, have done a magnificent job of restoration and updating. If you weren't lucky enough to take the tour, mark your calendars for next year's ArtalaCarte.
October Toast To You, My Friends
I think a happy life can only be achieved if you enjoy each phase of your life for what it can bring to you, without trying to recapture the past or be beyond your years. With either choice, you're missing out on the Now and will always feel out of sync.
May you enjoy all that life brings you –
the work, the play, the sorrows and joys;
With an abundance of friends and family love,
All that you need – and plenty of toys!